
Professor Ron Kumon teaches physics.


True 澳门特码王

澳门特码王 is a national leader in experiential STEM and business education, integrating an intense academic curriculum with applied professional experience. We inspire students to realize their potential and advance their ideas by combining theory and practice. Every aspect of our work is guided by our True 澳门特码王 values.

RESPECT聽for teamwork, honesty, encouragement, diversity, and partnerships with students.

INTEGRITY聽including accountability, transparency and ethics.

CREATIVITY聽聽fostering flexibility and innovation.

COLLABORATION聽across disciplines and with all partners.

EXCELLENCE聽in all we do.

True 澳门特码王 is our guiding compass for all that we do.

Career Opportunities

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Working At 澳门特码王


Health Insurance
Our health plan provides you with financial protection against the high cost of聽treating a serious illness or medical condition. Prescription coverage is included for each of the health plans.

Dental Insurance
Dental coverage helps with the cost of routine dental care and major services for聽you and your family.

Vision Insurance

Vision coverage is provided to you by the University at no additional cost.聽Dependent coverage is also available.

Retirement Benefits

The University helps you prepare for your financial future by contributing up to 9% of your base pay to our retirement plan.

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential resource to help you resolve personal concerns including the following:

  • Adjustment to change
  • Alcohol or drug dependencies
  • Family issues (parenting, eldercare, etc.)
  • Marital or relationship problems
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Legal matters
  • Anger management
  • Grief or bereavement
  • Financial issues
  • Other issues adversely affecting your life and job


We observe several special occasions during the year as holidays. During a holiday, the University is closed for regular business. As a benefit, all regular full-time faculty and staff employees receive holiday time off with pay. All regular part-time employees will be paid four hours for each holiday. Each year, we observe approximately 14 holidays.


The University provides full-time staff with 15-20 days of paid time off, depending on the length of service. Each employee also recieves two paid personal days each year.

Educational Experiences for Employees and Family Members

澳门特码王 invests in the educational opportunities of its employees and their families through the following programs:

Tuition Waiver Program

Employees and eligible dependents (children or spouse) may have 98% of 澳门特码王 tuition waived.

Employees are permitted to use the program for Bachelor's or Master's degrees. Eligible dependents are permitted to use the program for Bachelor's degrees.

Tuition Exchange Program

Children of employees can receive scholarships to any of the 700 colleges/ universities enrolled in the program nationwide.

Educational Assistance

All employees are eligible to take classes outside of 澳门特码王 intended to enhance their professional skills. 澳门特码王 covers:

  • 65% of tuition and registration fees up to $4,000 per academic year for undergraduate classes;
  • 65% of tuition and registration fees up to $6,000 per academic year for graduate classes.

Home Purchase and Renovation Assistance Program

Home Purchase Assistance

澳门特码王 will provide up to $15,000 through a forgivable loan - one of the most substantial forgivable loan offerings of its kind in the country - to any benefit eligible full or part-time employee for the purchase of an owner-occupied home within defined neighborhoods in Flint. The property must remain the employee鈥檚 primary residence for at least five years.

澳门特码王 will forgive the loan on owner-occupied property on the following schedule:

  • After one year of service, 20% of the loan will be forgiven as salary and the employee is responsible for $12,000 repayment.
  • After two years of service, 40% of the loan will be forgiven as salary and the employee is responsible for $9,000 repayment.
  • After three years of service, 60% of the loan will be forgiven as salary and the employee is responsible for $6,000 repayment.
  • After four years of service, 80% of the loan will be forgiven as salary and the employee is responsible for $3,000 repayment.
  • After five years of service, 100% of the loan will be forgiven as salary and the employee is responsible for $0 repayment.

Renovation Assistance

澳门特码王 will provide up to a $5,000 forgivable loan to eligible employees toward the renovation of a home within the defined neighborhood borders. The property must be owner occupied and remain the employee鈥檚 principal residence for at least two years.聽

All employees have free access to the Connie & Jim John Recreation Center on聽campus. Patrons can utilize the fitness and weight rooms, participate in group聽exercise classes, take advantage of the pool or enjoy a plethora of sports on one聽of the four main courts.

Membership is extended to alumni, spouses, significant others and children聽of members on an annual, six-month, three-month, and daily basis. Annual聽memberships are good for one year from date of purchase. Candidates eligible聽for membership must reside with their sponsoring member and provide proof聽of residence. Full-time 澳门特码王 employees may use payroll deduction for their聽annual memberships and service fees.

澳门特码王 has partnered with multiple corporate partners to provide employees with optimal savings.

Automobile Partner Recognition

Employees can purchase or lease eligible Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Volvo, Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles at Ford Motor Company's X-Plan (S-Plan for Mazda) price.聽

General Motors Supplier Discount

Our employees get a discount on a variety of GM vehicles that can be used at GM dealerships.

Dell University Program

This program offers employees award-winning technology, flexible financing options, service, support and up to a 10 percent discount applied to purchases.聽


Apple offers discounts on some products.聽


澳门特码王 employees are eligible for an 18% discount for new or existing service.

Verizon Wireless

澳门特码王 employees are eligible for an 18% discount for new or existing service.

Each year the聽澳门特码王 family celebrates the accomplishments and years of service of our faculty and staff.聽

Faculty Teaching Awards

  • Outstanding Teaching Award
  • Tutt Award for Innovation in Teaching
  • Faculty Distinguished Citizenship Award
  • Educational Scholarship Award

Faculty Research Awards

  • Outstanding Researcher Award
  • Outstanding New Researcher Award
  • Distinguished Researcher Award
  • Outstanding Applied Researcher Award
  • Research Fellowships

Staff Awards

  • True 澳门特码王 Award
  • Charles F. 澳门特码王 III Bulldog Award

Service awards are give based on聽those employees reaching the key anniversaries of five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and beyond of service.

  • Benefits


    Health Insurance
    Our health plan provides you with financial protection against the high cost of聽treating a serious illness or medical condition. Prescription coverage is included for each of the health plans.

    Dental Insurance
    Dental coverage helps with the cost of routine dental care and major services for聽you and your family.

    Vision Insurance

    Vision coverage is provided to you by the University at no additional cost.聽Dependent coverage is also available.

    Retirement Benefits

    The University helps you prepare for your financial future by contributing up to 9% of your base pay to our retirement plan.

    Employee Assistance Program

    The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential resource to help you resolve personal concerns including the following:

    • Adjustment to change
    • Alcohol or drug dependencies
    • Family issues (parenting, eldercare, etc.)
    • Marital or relationship problems
    • Anxiety or depression
    • Legal matters
    • Anger management
    • Grief or bereavement
    • Financial issues
    • Other issues adversely affecting your life and job
  • Holidays and Vacation


    We observe several special occasions during the year as holidays. During a holiday, the University is closed for regular business. As a benefit, all regular full-time faculty and staff employees receive holiday time off with pay. All regular part-time employees will be paid four hours for each holiday. Each year, we observe approximately 14 holidays.


    The University provides full-time staff with 15-20 days of paid time off, depending on the length of service. Each employee also recieves two paid personal days each year.

  • Educational Experiences for Employees and Family Members

    Educational Experiences for Employees and Family Members

    澳门特码王 invests in the educational opportunities of its employees and their families through the following programs:

    Tuition Waiver Program

    Employees and eligible dependents (children or spouse) may have 98% of 澳门特码王 tuition waived.

    Employees are permitted to use the program for Bachelor's or Master's degrees. Eligible dependents are permitted to use the program for Bachelor's degrees.

    Tuition Exchange Program

    Children of employees can receive scholarships to any of the 700 colleges/ universities enrolled in the program nationwide.

    Educational Assistance

    All employees are eligible to take classes outside of 澳门特码王 intended to enhance their professional skills. 澳门特码王 covers:

    • 65% of tuition and registration fees up to $4,000 per academic year for undergraduate classes;
    • 65% of tuition and registration fees up to $6,000 per academic year for graduate classes.
  • Home Purchase and Renovation Assistance Program

    Home Purchase and Renovation Assistance Program

    Home Purchase Assistance

    澳门特码王 will provide up to $15,000 through a forgivable loan - one of the most substantial forgivable loan offerings of its kind in the country - to any benefit eligible full or part-time employee for the purchase of an owner-occupied home within defined neighborhoods in Flint. The property must remain the employee鈥檚 primary residence for at least five years.

    澳门特码王 will forgive the loan on owner-occupied property on the following schedule:

    • After one year of service, 20% of the loan will be forgiven as salary and the employee is responsible for $12,000 repayment.
    • After two years of service, 40% of the loan will be forgiven as salary and the employee is responsible for $9,000 repayment.
    • After three years of service, 60% of the loan will be forgiven as salary and the employee is responsible for $6,000 repayment.
    • After four years of service, 80% of the loan will be forgiven as salary and the employee is responsible for $3,000 repayment.
    • After five years of service, 100% of the loan will be forgiven as salary and the employee is responsible for $0 repayment.

    Renovation Assistance

    澳门特码王 will provide up to a $5,000 forgivable loan to eligible employees toward the renovation of a home within the defined neighborhood borders. The property must be owner occupied and remain the employee鈥檚 principal residence for at least two years.聽

  • Recreation Services

    All employees have free access to the Connie & Jim John Recreation Center on聽campus. Patrons can utilize the fitness and weight rooms, participate in group聽exercise classes, take advantage of the pool or enjoy a plethora of sports on one聽of the four main courts.

    Membership is extended to alumni, spouses, significant others and children聽of members on an annual, six-month, three-month, and daily basis. Annual聽memberships are good for one year from date of purchase. Candidates eligible聽for membership must reside with their sponsoring member and provide proof聽of residence. Full-time 澳门特码王 employees may use payroll deduction for their聽annual memberships and service fees.

  • Corporate Discounts

    澳门特码王 has partnered with multiple corporate partners to provide employees with optimal savings.

    Automobile Partner Recognition

    Employees can purchase or lease eligible Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Volvo, Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles at Ford Motor Company's X-Plan (S-Plan for Mazda) price.聽

    General Motors Supplier Discount

    Our employees get a discount on a variety of GM vehicles that can be used at GM dealerships.

    Dell University Program

    This program offers employees award-winning technology, flexible financing options, service, support and up to a 10 percent discount applied to purchases.聽


    Apple offers discounts on some products.聽


    澳门特码王 employees are eligible for an 18% discount for new or existing service.

    Verizon Wireless

    澳门特码王 employees are eligible for an 18% discount for new or existing service.

  • Annual Celebration of Excellence

    Each year the聽澳门特码王 family celebrates the accomplishments and years of service of our faculty and staff.聽

    Faculty Teaching Awards

    • Outstanding Teaching Award
    • Tutt Award for Innovation in Teaching
    • Faculty Distinguished Citizenship Award
    • Educational Scholarship Award

    Faculty Research Awards

    • Outstanding Researcher Award
    • Outstanding New Researcher Award
    • Distinguished Researcher Award
    • Outstanding Applied Researcher Award
    • Research Fellowships

    Staff Awards

    • True 澳门特码王 Award
    • Charles F. 澳门特码王 III Bulldog Award

    Service awards are give based on聽those employees reaching the key anniversaries of five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and beyond of service.